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下个月,最热闹的泰国泼水节就要开始啦! 不用去到泰国也能来一场泼水大战了哦? 结合Songkran音乐节,与我们一起来体验泼水节。采用霓虹涂料和现场高规格音响配备,将触发你的全身的能量!五彩缤纷的派对,更定令你整晚 High 翻天!。“派对控” 们!别等啦!快快来报名吧!

In conjunction with the Songkran festival, we developed a brand new splashing experience to our audience. Featuring the neon paint and the live set that will trigger your sensation to the maximum output. ​We have faith to claimed ourselves the largest splashing party in northern region of Malaysia.
For more information, please click on the Facebook link below: https://www.facebook.com/thearkinvasion
For online ticketing, please click on the following link NOW: https://www.thearkinvasion.com

⏱️Time: Saturday, 14 April 2018 from 17:00-22:00 UTC+08
📍Venue: Penang M Mall O2O

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