Sunway Iskandar

Sunway Iskandar

Sunway Group is a property-construction groups. They began their worldwide business in more than 40 locations.The group is classified into 12 groups which are Property, Construction, Hospitality, Retail, Leisure, Commercial, Trading & Manufacturing, Building...
Food Truck Carnival 2018

Food Truck Carnival 2018

Event Details Scientex Food Carnival 2018.Ww will be having a series of fun time activities.Our generous Scientex Mutiara Mas a giving away the free incentive food voucher for all visitors and welcome to site recce for the brand new show unit!As well, for all the kids...


Columbia Asia is a international and private healthcare company that owned by International Columbia USA LLC (ICU). Columbia Asia currently has 29 medical facilities across Asia. Columbia Asia aim to provide their healthcare facilities service for families and...


EcoWorld is company that run by Eco World Development Group Berhad that mainly involved in property development. Ecoworld brand is spreading across three main economic regions in Malaysia. Ecoworld make 20 projects that include new townships, integrated commercial...
Tourism Johor

Tourism Johor

Tourism Johor offers a huge variation of vacation area. There are a lot of categories where you can pick your ideal destination.


Salonpas is a brand name of a pain relieving product. The product is manufactured by Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Inc. of Tosu City, Japan. In 1934, the product has entered Japanese market. It has been sold in over 50 different...